A New Year and new and exciting opportunities for you and your company to get involved.

Please complete the form below or contact Treasurer@OKCPipeliners.com or any of the Board to let us know you’re interested in one of these levels:

2024 Club Sponsorship Levels – File Download

Note that not all of these opportunities are unlimited.

Sponsorship Levels, Cost and Availability Limits:

  • ELITE:  Open to (3) Companies
  • PRIME:  Open to (3) Companies
  • CORPORATE:  Open to (2) Companies
  • DINNERS:  No Limit on # of Companies
  • HALF DINNERS:  No Limit on # of Companies
  • MEETING HOST: Limitations Vary Based Upon Other Sponsorships
  • TABLE SPONSOR:  $400 – No Limit on # of Companies

Additional information for the Meeting Host Sponsor:

  • Your company gets a reserved table at the meeting, and not just any reserved table, you get the head table where you’re joined by the meeting speaker, the Club President and/or our Club Vice President. That leaves 5 seats for you and your guests.
  • You also get a chance to introduce your company to the group by way of a brief marketing presentation (up to 5 minutes). This presentation is after our announcements and before the main speaker.
  • In addition to this, we provide a table for you to set up your marketing materials in the “networking area” prior to the meeting. We invite our meeting hosts to have a “business card” raffle of an item of nominal value, to be drawn at the conclusion of your marketing presentation. Our meetings typically have 110+ in attendance.
  • Your company’s logo will be featured on the web site’s registration posts and pages and all marketing and publicity for the meeting. This includes our Social Media channels (LinkedIn and Twitter). It’s worth noting that our email list goes out to nearly 800 recipients.

Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?

Please fill out the form below & we will contact you as soon as possible.