The Pipeliners Club of Oklahoma City scholarship program is one of the many benefits of being a member of the Club. The program is open to Club members and their families, subject to the Scholarship Policy and Scholarship Application.

For the 2025/2026 scholarship “year”, applications will be accepted from January 1 through March 31, 2025.

Download the current application here; it’s a fillable PDF (save it locally before filling it out):


Download and Read the Scholarship Policy Here:


Frequently Asked Questions:

[Note: This list not only includes frequently asked but also infrequently asked, questions.  For full transparency, all questions submitted will be answered on this public forum.  Individual responses may be made to acknowledge receipt or request additional detail, not to provide an answer.]

Prior to asking questions about the program, please thoroughly read the Policy and Application.

If you still have a question, please complete and submit your information using this form:

Scholarship Questions

Where are scholarship applications to be submitted?

Beginning this year applications will only be accepted via email. The details are spelled out in the application.

Does concurrent application and potential award of other scholarships impact the evaluation or award of a Pipeliners Club scholarship?

There is no request to disclose the application and potential award of other scholarships when submitting a Pipeliners Club of OKC application.  Applications made outside the industry or to industry-related organizations such as GPA, API, Tulsa Pipe Liners, etc. are independent of this application.  However, past awards of scholarships and grants are to be disclosed in the appropriate section of the application.

How do I know an application has been received by the Scholarship Committee for consideration?

Confirmation of receipt of an application will be sent to the Pipeliners Club of OKC sponsoring member (or applicant, if a member) from the Scholarship Specialist within 48 business hours of such receipt.

What events, other than general monthly meetings, qualify a member as an applicant or sponsor?

Any Pipeliners Club of OKC fundraising function, if attending as a paid participant or documented volunteer.  Or if a Young Professional, a lunch and learn session.

Is a scholarship recipient automatically entered for the following annual award period?

No, a recipient must reapply utilizing the full application form current for that award period, if additional funding is desired.

Are some awards for greater than a 12 mo. period?

No, a scholarship award is for a single Fall/Spring semester (Winter or Summer does not qualify) for students attending 12, or more credit hours each semester, unless a single Fall or Spring term is requested by the applicant.

Are scholarships available for college freshmen students?

Yes, with the GPA requirement based on the prior two Fall/Spring semesters of high school.

Is a student eligible to receive Pipeliners Club of OKC scholarships for an indefinite period of time as an undergraduate?

No, students may receive up to a maximum of 1 scholarship for an academic year (an academic year is a Fall and Spring). And as explained in the Application, there is a lifetime scholarship limit of 4 scholarships per student, graduate and undergraduate.

Is a minimum GPA required to qualify for a scholarship? Is a minimum GPA required to qualify for a scholarship? Is a minimum GPA required to qualify for a scholarship?

Yes, only students with a 2.0 GPA for each of the previous two semesters, winter & summer excluded, qualify for review.

Are scholarships available for graduate students?

Yes! Provided that the student has not reached the 4 scholarship limit. To be eligible you can only have received 3 or fewer Oklahoma City Pipeliners Club Scholarships (a Scholarship is for a Fall/Spring Academic year).

For example, if you received a scholarship in 2016, 2017 and 2018, then you are still eligible. But if you received a scholarship in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, then you are not eligible.

*This change became effective for the 2019 Fall/2020 Spring Academic Year.

Are scholarships available for Vo-Tech students?

Yes! Vocational School Students are eligible to receive an Oklahoma City Pipeliners Club Scholarship if your school can administer the scholarship as with a bursar’s office. Scholarships are not awarded directly to the recipient (due to IRS regulations). Please check with the institution before applying to make sure they have this capability.

One such Vocational School that has this ability is OSUIT.

*This change became effective for the 2019 Fall/2020 Spring Academic Year.